WIM’s vision is to see the church of Rwanda resourced with ministers who will fulfill the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to make mature disciples of all the nations.

DNG is one of WIM’s strategies to resource the church of Rwanda with equipped ministers in the area of discipleship of children. It is a movement of like-minded people who want to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ taking roots in Rwanda starting with children. Please, read bellow our faith statement to know more about what we believe and where we stand theologically.

  DNG Exist Because…

Rwanda though largely known as a Christian country, however most Christians remain at large biblically illiterate, and not grounded in the truths of the scriptures. Even more, the next generation is largely forgotten in evangelism and discipleship. Children are not widely considered as people who need to hear the gospel, rather they are thought to be either little angels (meaning sinless) or too young to understand the gospel. Therefore very little is being done to reach out to children with the gospel, even amongst those born in Christian families. There is great need for Rwandan next generation to be faithfully taught the simple Gospel that they may be saved.

We are convinced by Scripture that it is essential to raise our children to know and trust in Jesus Christ. The work of DNG seeks to strengthen this historically neglected ministry at a national level. We are committed to working alongside the local church for:

        • The discipleship of children
        • The equipping of everyone involved in children’s discipleship
        • And availing necessary resources needed for effective discipleship of Rwandan children.


We long to see the Rwandan Next Generation being raised up in the knowledge and the understanding of the Gospel in order to live in light of it.


We are committed to resourcing the Church of Rwanda with well-equipped children’s workers and providing Biblical sound children’s resources.