Equip Training

In this training, we aim to supplement and sharpen our former apprentices with the ministry skills they need as they lead children’s discipleship programs in their ministries. We address various topics and discuss all kinds of challenges they are facing.

The Training is for …

The training is primarily for our former apprentices. But, You are also welcome to attend, only if you have been leading a children’s ministry program for over 2 years.

In this training, expect the following:

1. We discuss various practical ministry challenges

      • Different approaches on how to draft your ministry vision
      • Tools and tips for training new leaders
      • Developing content that affects the mind and the hearts of children
      • leadership issues and
      • Strategies to encourage the whole church to come on board for the discipleship of children

2. The training is also a good fellowship with like-minded people,  you will get the opportunity to learn from one another and make ministry connections.

3. We also share resources, pray together and encourage one another to keep going in this vital work of discipling children.