Mobilization Training

In this training, we desire to impart the Biblical vision for the discipleship of children to everyone involved in the discipleship of children. The training will help your church or your organization to clarify your vision for the discipleship of children. The full training is 2 days of 8 hours long. But depending on available time, the content can be adjusted.

Who is this training for

This training is for everyone involved in all kinds of children’s discipleship programs. But, it is particularly for you if you want to establish a children’s ministry built on biblical foundations and with a clear vision for the discipleship of children.

What should we expect in this training

  • We want to see from the scriptures, what is God’s view on the discipleship of children.
  • We address the issue of responsibilities. in the discipleship of children. Who is responsible for the discipleship of children who are under your care.
  • We talk about the importance of having a good and clear vision for your children’s discipleship program.
  • We discuss the key principles of an effective children’s discipleship program.
  •  We also talk about some key characteristics of a good Sunday school lesson, and the process of preparing one.