Partner with us

DNG relies 100% on gospel partnerships. We can accomplish nothing in our endeavor for the discipleship of Rwandan children without our incredible partners. We value so much your prayers and your generosity toward our vision.

Are you new to DNG Initiative and you are willing to contribute? Please see below the different ways you can play your role in the discipleship of Rwandan Children.


We truly mean this… We are where we are now because of many answered prayers of our faithful brothers and sisters who believe and love our vision.

Would you please consider including us in your prayers?

Pray With Us

We will appreciate it if you pray for the following:

  • Pray that churches and parents in Rwanda would understand more about the urgency and the importance of disciplining children.                                  
  •  Pray for wisdom, clarity, patience, and creativity as we train and develop resources? Pray also that we would be faithful to God’s word as we write resources                                                      
  • Pray that God would provide everything we need to avail the resources we are developing as quickly as possible for the Rwandan Christian Community.                               
  •  Pray for our Saturday Kids Bible Club, that the hearts of the kids would be fertile soil and the seed of the gospel would grow and multiply. Pray that they would be bold to share what they are learning with their friends and families.                                                       
  • Pray for different people we train across the country that they would be faithful to their commitments and would be able to put into practice what they learn in our training events so that many children in Rwanda would have access to the good news of Jesus.                                                                                                                     Thank you  for Praying with us.


Since 2017, DNG has been funded by generous gospel partners. Would you please consider supporting us financially for the discipleship of the Rwandan Next Generation?

More About Donation

Our ministry is growing, the need is huge, doors for training leaders for this ministry are widely open, and resources for effective discipleship of Rwandan Children are urgently needed.

Please, if you are able, consider supporting us financially.

Do not worry to support us through Crosslinks, It is a UK-recognized Charity that helps people to get involved in God’s mission. we have been in partnership since 2017, they help us in fundraising and in collecting funds from abroad.

if you need more options or information on how to support us, Please get in touch with us through our email:            or call us at +250788284247.

Thank you so much for your willingness to partner with us.


Would you be willing to share with us your time, talents, skills or some equipment!

We need volunteers in various aspects of our ministry. Please read below to see where you fit and contribute to our Vision.  

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  • Leaders: Both in our Saturday Kids Bible Club and our annual Kids Camp, we always need volunteers. Would you consider giving a bit of your time working with us?
  • Proofreading: We need volunteers who can proofread our resources and our communications in both Kinyarwanda and English languages. We would appreciate your help if you can.
  • Graphic design: We are looking for someone with Graphic design skills to help us design our resources. We would highly appreciate your help with this if you can.
  • Videography and animation: If you have skills in this area, we need you to help us develep video content for the discipleship of Rwandan Children.
  •  Illustrator: We are looking for someone to help us illustrate the Children’s Bible stories we are writing. Do you have such skills, or do you know someone who can be willing to share with us his/her talent in this regard? Please get in touch with us.
  •  Equipment: We would appreciate gifts of good cameras for photos and videos, or recording equipment. In case you have these tools which you can give away, please consider us, they would be of great help for our ministry.

Tell us how you want to Partner with us


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